Introduction to Logic solution – the square of opposition


1. a. Universal affirmative. A

1. b. Universal negative. E

1. c. Particular affirmative. I

1. d. Particular negative. O


2. a. Universal negative. E

2. b. Particular affirmative. I

2. c. Particular negative. O

2. d. Universal affirmative. A


3. a. Particular affirmative. I

3. b. Particular negative. O

3. c. Universal affirmative. A

3. d. Universal negative. E


4. a. Particular negative. O

4. b. Universal affirmative. A

4. c. Universal negative. E

4. d. Particular affirmative. I


A. solution

1. a. Universal affirmative. A. true

1. b. Universal negative. E. false

1. c. Particular affirmative. I. true

1. d. Particular negative. O. false


2. a. Universal negative. E. true

2. b. Particular affirmative. I.. false

2. c. Particular negative. O. true

2. d. Universal affirmative. A. false


3. a. Particular affirmative. I. true

3. b. Particular negative. O. undetermined

3. c. Universal affirmative. A. undetermined

3. d. Universal negative. E. false


4. a. Particular negative. O. true

4. b. Universal affirmative. A. false

4. c. Universal negative. E. undetermined

4. d. Particular affirmative. I. undetermined


b. solution

1. a. Universal affirmative. A. false

1. b. Universal negative. E. undetermined

1. c. Particular affirmative. I. undetermined

1. d. Particular negative. O. true


2. a. Universal negative. E. false

2. b. Particular affirmative. I. true

2. c. Particular negative. O

2. d. Universal affirmative. A


3. a. Particular affirmative. I. false

3. b. Particular negative. O. true

3. c. Universal affirmative. A. false

3. d. Universal negative. E. true


4. a. Particular negative. O. false

4. b. Universal affirmative. A. true

4. c. Universal negative. E. false

4. d. Particular affirmative. I. true


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