2. Some evergreens are objects of worship, because all fir trees are ever-greens, and some objects of worship are fir trees.
Step 1. Conclusion: Some evergreens are objects of worship.
Step 2. predicate: objects of worship
Step 3. major premise: some objects of worship are fir trees.
Step 4. minor premise: all fir trees are ever-greens.
Step 5.
major premise: some objects of worship are fir trees.
minor premise: all fir trees are ever-greens.
Conclusion: Some evergreens are objects of worship.
Step 6. IAI-4
3. All artificial satellites are important scientific achievements; therefore some important scientific achievements are not U.S. inventions, inasmuch as some artificial satellites are not U.S. inventions.
Step 1. Conclusion: some important scientific achievements are not U.S. inventions.
Step 2. predicate: U.S. inventions
Step 3. major premise: some artificial satellites are not U.S. inventions.
Step 4. minor premise: All artificial satellites are important scientific achievements.
Step 5.
major premise: some artificial satellites are not U.S. inventions.
minor premise: All artificial satellites are important scientific achievements.
Conclusion: some important scientific achievements are not U.S. inventions.
Step 6. OAO-3
4. No television stars are certified public accountants, but all certified public accountants are people of good business sense; it follows that no television stars are people of good business sense.
Step 1. Conclusion: no television stars are people of good business sense.
Step 2. predicate: people of good business sense
Step 3. major premise: all certified public accountants are people of good business sense.
Step 4. minor premise: No television stars are certified public accountants.
Step 5.
major premise: all certified public accountants are people of good business sense.
minor premise: No television stars are certified public accountants.
Conclusion: no television stars are people of good business sense.
Step 6. AII-1
5. Some conservatives are not advocates of high tariff rates, because all advocates of high tariff rates are Republicans, and some Republicans are not conservatives.
Step 1. Conclusion: Some conservatives are not advocates of high tariff rates.
Step 2. predicate: advocates of high tariff rates
Step 3. major premise: all advocates of high tariff rates are Republicans.
Step 4. minor premise: some Republicans are not conservatives.
Step 5.
major premise: all advocates of high tariff rates are Republicans.
minor premise: some Republicans are not conservatives.
Conclusion: Some conservatives are not advocates of high tariff rates.
Step 6. AOO-4
6. All CD players are delicate mechanisms, but no delicate mechanisms are suitable toys for children; consequently, no CD players are suitable toys for children.
Step 1. Conclusion: no CD players are suitable toys for children.
Step 2. predicate: suitable toys for children
Step 3. major premise: no delicate mechanisms are suitable toys for children.
Step 4. minor premise: All CD players are delicate mechanisms.
Step 5.
major premise: no delicate mechanisms are suitable toys for children.
minor premise: All CD players are delicate mechanisms.
Conclusion: no CD players are suitable toys for children.
Step 6. OAO-1
7. All juvenile delinquents are maladjusted individuals, and some juvenile delinquents are products of broken homes; hence some maladjusted individuals are products of broken homes.
Step 1. Conclusion: some maladjusted individuals are products of broken homes.
Step 2. predicate:products of broken homes
Step 3. major premise: some juvenile delinquents are products of broken homes.
Step 4. minor premise: All juvenile delinquents are maladjusted individuals.
Step 5.
major premise: some juvenile delinquents are products of broken homes.
minor premise: All juvenile delinquents are maladjusted individuals.
Conclusion: some maladjusted individuals are products of broken homes.
Step 6. III-3
8. No stubborn individuals who never admit a mistake are good teachers, so, because some well-informed people are stubborn individuals who never admit a mistake, some good teachers are not well-informed people.
Step 1. Conclusion: some good teachers are not well-informed people.
Step 2. predicate: well-informed people.
Step 3. major premise: some well-informed people are stubborn individuals who never admit a mistake.
Step 4. minor premise: No stubborn individuals who never admit a mistake are good teachers.
Step 5.
major premise: some well-informed people are stubborn individuals who never admit a mistake.
minor premise: No stubborn individuals who never admit a mistake are good teachers.
Conclusion: some good teachers are not well-informed people.
Step 6. IEO-4
9. All proteins are organic compounds, hence all enzymes are proteins, as all enzymes are organic compounds.
Step 1. Conclusion: all enzymes are proteins.
Step 2. predicate: proteins
Step 3. major premise: All proteins are organic compounds.
Step 4. minor premise: all enzymes are organic compounds.
Step 5.
major premise: All proteins are organic compounds.
minor premise: all enzymes are organic compounds.
Conclusion: all enzymes are proteins.
Step 6. AAA-2
10. No sports cars are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds, but all automobiles designed for family use are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds, from which it follows that no sports cars are automobiles designed for family use.
Step 1. Conclusion: no sports cars are automobiles designed for family use.
Step 2. predicate: automobiles designed for family use.
Step 3. major premise:No sports cars are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds
Step 4. minor premise: No sports cars are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds
Step 5.
major premise: all automobiles designed for family use are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds
minor premise: No sports cars are vehicles intended to be driven at moderate speeds
Conclusion: no sports cars are automobiles designed for family use.
Step 6. AEE-2
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