Some metals are rare and costly substances.
no welder’s materials are nonmetals.
some welder’s materials are rare and costly substances.
some m is p.
no s is non-m. all s is m.
some s is p.
… 더 읽고 싶어요
알아두면 쓸데있는 신기한 잡다구리쓰~
Some metals are rare and costly substances.
no welder’s materials are nonmetals.
some welder’s materials are rare and costly substances.
some m is p.
no s is non-m. all s is m.
some s is p.
… 더 읽고 싶어요
2. EAA-1
no m is p.
all s is m.
all s is p.
rule 5.
3. IAO-3
some m is p.
all m is s.
some s is not p.
rule 5.
4. OEO-4
some … 더 읽고 싶어요
1. Some reformers are fanatics, so some idealists are fanatics, because all reformers are idealists.
Some reformers are fanatics(P).
All reformers are idealists(S).
Some idealists are fanatics.
2. Some philosophers are mathematicians; hence … 더 읽고 싶어요
2. Some evergreens are objects of worship, because all fir trees are ever-greens, and some objects of worship are fir trees.
Step 1. Conclusion: Some evergreens are objects of worship.
Step 2. predicate: objects of worship
Step 3. … 더 읽고 싶어요
2. No peddlers are millionaires.
PM = 0
3. All merchants are speculators.
MS¯ = 0
4. Some musicians are not pianists.
MP¯ ≠ 0
5. No shopkeepers are … 더 읽고 싶어요
From (3) to (4), implication.
(4) is I, particular proposition. Subject class is empty.
From (2) to (3), implication.
(4) is O, particular proposition. Subject class is empty.
Both (1) and (2) could … 더 읽고 싶어요
1. E. Equivalent.
No reckless drivers are people who are considerate of
2. A.
Some officers are graduates of West Point.
3. I. Equivalent.
Some verpriced and underpowered automobiles are Some European cars
4. E. Equivalent.… 더 읽고 싶어요
1. a. Universal affirmative. A
1. b. Universal negative. E
1. c. Particular affirmative. I
1. d. Particular negative. O
2. a. Universal negative. E
2. b. Particular affirmative. I
2. c. Particular negative. O
2. d. Universal … 더 읽고 싶어요
Particular affirmative propositions
Subject: undistributed
Predicate: undistributed
Universal affirmative propositions
Subject: distributed
Predicate: undistributed
Particular negative propositions
Subject: undistributed
Predicate: distributed
Particular affirmative propositions
Subject: undistributed
Predicate: undistributed
… 더 읽고 싶어요
Particular affirmative propositions.
Subject: Some historians
Predicate: extremely gifted writers
Universal negative propositions
Subject: athletes who have ever accepted pay for participating in sports
Predicate: amateurs
Universal negative propositions
Subject: dogs that … 더 읽고 싶어요
… 더 읽고 싶어요
… 더 읽고 싶어요
1) If second native is politician
2nd | politician |
1st | politician |
3rd | non-politician |
two politicians
2) If second native is non-politician
2nd | non-politician |
1st | non-politician |
3rd | politician |
one politician
1) second – red, third – red… 더 읽고 싶어요
2. David Bernstein [in Only One Place of Redress: African Americans, Labor Regulations, and the Courts from Reconstruction to the New Deal, 2001] places labor laws at the center of the contemporary plight of black Americans.
Many of … 더 읽고 싶어요
What stops many people from photocopying a book and giving it to a pal is not integrity but logistics; it’s easier and inexpensive to buy your friend a paperback copy.
—Randy Cohen, The New York Times Magazine, 26 … 더 읽고 싶어요